sâmbătă, 31 iulie 2010

joi, 29 iulie 2010

Sully Erna's Solo Album

"Hey all!

Thanks for your patience on awaiting my new record AVALON, I know it has been a long time coming for all of you. I'm very happy to say that as of Sept. 14, 2010, you will be able to finally get your hands on this amazing record!

I truly believe that this is my best work to date. I'm more proud of this record than any other music I have ever recorded. It is so pure and organic, every ounce of my blood, sweat and tears has been poured into this body of work. Without a doubt, I have completely exposed myself in this album. More importantly, it's just a very cool musical journey you go on when you listen through.

Although, as I've said before, I must emphasize that THIS IS NOT A ROCK RECORD!!! This is a series of beautifully arranged compositions that I have created over many years. Some compositions are newer, written with the help of my solo band mates. Others have been shelved over time waiting for the right moment to be released. That moment is finally here, and I couldn't be more proud to share it with all of you!

This record was recorded with all hand drums, cellos, flutes, piano, etc... It is very eclectic and intellectual. It is something that you will want to put on when you're in the mood to lie on your couch, dim the lights, and light all your candles and incense. Just vibe out to this hypnotic variety of music, and enjoy the pictures that will be painted in your mind. This is a very visual record, so for sure the visuals will come. Don't be surprised if it triggers some deep emotions within you based on your own life situations. Either way, enjoy the ride, it's a beautiful one!!

If I could ask one simple favor of all of you, I would ask for you to please pass this music on to as many people as you can. Spread the word that there is a great new record out, and if they don't have it yet, they are missing out on a real musical experience. Request Sinner's Prayer on the radio and help me make AVALON a great success!!

This album was a combination of work that took me almost 7 years to complete, and it deserves to be heard all over the world, help me make that dream come true.

All my love and respect,

Sully Erna"

Asteptam cu interes.
Pana atunci ascultam ultimul album Godsmack - "The Oracle"

marți, 20 iulie 2010


Dyreparken - Parcul Animalelor - un fel de gradina zoologica, si am zis un fel de pt ca este mai mult un The Living Park :) Conceptul nostru de gradina zoologica, cu animale inchise in custi de cativa mp este inexistent aici. Poti vedea de aprope animalele care traiesc ingradite dar libere; sunt ingradite la modul de separare, pt ca de exemplu lupii si rasii sunt langa elani si cocosii de munte :)).
Dyreparken este frumos, surprinzator, atragator si imens. Ca sa il vezi pe tot iti trebuie o zi.
Am facut 372 de poze si mi-a fost foarte greu sa selectez :)
Mai multe puteti citi aici pt ca nu am dispozitia necesara acum sa scriu :) Poate fac un update cand/daca voi simti nevoia. Pana atunci nyt bildene sau enjoy the pictures :D
Later edit: Am facut update la albumul foto.


duminică, 18 iulie 2010

Amorphis – Forging The Land Of Thousand Lakes

Cu intarziere, dar......... de cand am ridicat de la posta plicul cu dvd-ul am trecut prin stari diferite asa ca, si acum, mi-e inca greu sa fiu obiectiva. O sa incerc totusi :D

Ca Amorphis este o trupa care (acum) nu mai are nevoie de prezentare este stiut. Ca prin dvd-ul asta isi sarbatoresc 20 ani de existenta, cred ca se stie numai din cata reclama am facut eu aici :))
Varianta limited edition cuprinde dvd-ul (2 discuri: 1: concertul din Oulu, Finlanda; 2. concertul din Germania, Summer Breeze Festival 2009; videoclipuri; "Tales From The 20 Years" - documentar si galerie foto) si cd-ul (alte 2 discuri: concertul din Oulu, Finlanda). Prezentarea este incredibila. Pe mine m-a impresionat. Este exact asa cum trebuie sa fie avand in vedere ca acest dvd este cadou din partea trupei pt fani.
Concertele sunt super: de la sunet si imagine, la lumini si playlist. Incredibil sunetul; este ciudat si placut in acelasi timp sa auzi atat de clar clapa lui Santeri si "duelurile" lui Tomi K si Esa. Iar Tomi J, asa cum am mai zis, este front man-ul perfect pt Amorphis.
Albumul meu preferat este "Tales...", piesa preferata este "Black Winter Day" si solistul preferat este Tomi Koivusaari :)). O surpriza deosebita a fost "Magic and Mayhem" ("Tales...") live la Summer Breeze. Incredibil Tomi Joutsen pe piesa asta live. Am o senzatie indescriptibila si un mare zambet cand aud live ca suna atat de bine piesele vechi cantate in prezent de Tomi Joutsen si cantate initial de Tomi Koivusaari. Dar, asta a zis si Tomi K in documentar: "Now, with Tomi aboard I’ve never felt more satisfied with the band. It felt like everything clicked."
Referitor la concerte, imi place ca atentia video si audio este pe trupa, dar nu-mi place ca este numai atentia video pe public nu si cea audio. Publicul nu se aude. Dar, cine are limited edition, aude publicul pe cd-uri. :D Pe dvd a fost pus accentul pe trupa, pe cd-uri accentul este pus si pe public.

Videoclipurile le stiu pe toate, asa ca trec peste. Nu am ce comenta :))

"Tales From The 20 Years" - documentarul, este cea mai interesanta parte de pe dvd. In afara de actualii Amorphis, exista 2 fosti Amorphis, care povestesc etape, stari si istoria trupei. Asta a fost o surpriza foarte placuta. Ei sunt: Olli-Pekka "Oppu" Laine (bass) si Pekka Kasari (tobe). Cea mai interesanta parte pt mine a fost perioada Karelian-Tales-Elegy si nebunia acelor ani. Se distrau cum ne distram si noi la varsta aceea, dar ei faceau si muzica buna iar noi ne delectam cu ea :) Mi-a placut ca au trecut elegant peste subiectul Pasi Koskinen si s-a ajuns natural la Tomi Joutsen.
A fost fascinant sa pot afla/vedea/auzi modul in care percep toti membrii Amorphis propria lor cariera "eclectica" si evolutia lor ca trupa (si tot ce implica asta) prin ceea ce au realizat in cele trei epoci: prima perioada de la inceput pana la "Elegy", anii de dupa "Elegy" si "Far From The Sun" si epoca moderna. Cum zice Esa: "Who would have believed, back in the day, that we could get as big as we did playing such eccentric music?"

Daca pana acum am vorbit frumos despre dvd, urmeaza si partea negativa: Galeria foto. Pozele sunt foarte pixelate. Nu-mi explic: probabil pozele vechi nu au fost scanate cum trebuie; cele noi poate multe sunt facute de fani cu diverse obiecte de fotografiat, mai performante sau nu, etc. Concluzia este: pozele sunt interesante, simpatice, ciudate, hazli dar de o calitate extraordinar de scazuta fata de cum se prezinta dvd-ul in totalitate.

Ce pot sa mai spun? Kiitos! :)

miercuri, 14 iulie 2010

End Of Me

Check out the video premiere of Apocalyptica’s new video “End Of Me” featuring Gavin Rossdale.
Asa scrie pe site-ul domnilor. Videoclipul este fffff bine facut. Este cel mai bine facut videoclip Apocalyptica. Pacat ca nu fac si Amorphis astfel de videoclipuri. Albumul apare in august. Abia astept :D

luni, 12 iulie 2010


Cunoscut sub numele de "Calea (Drumul) Trollilor", Trollstigen (in traducere: Scara Trollilor)  se rasuceste si urca pe munte printr-un relief de cascade, fiorduri, tunele si lacuri inghetate.
Conform legendei populare norvegiene, trollii ratacesc prin muntii din Trollstigen in fiecare noapte, dar se schimba in piatra atunci cand soarele isi trimite primele raze dimineata. Infasurate intr-un val de ceata, organismele lor pietrificate creaza o incredibila masa stancoasa de o frumusete rara care fascineaza atat turistii care viziteaza Norvegia cat si pe norvegieni.
Trollstigen este una dintre atractiile cele mai dramatice si mai vizitate din Norvegia.

vineri, 9 iulie 2010

Gold for "Skyforger"

On the occasion of the DVD release party in Helsinki on July 6, Amorphis were awarded gold records for Skyforger, which so far has sold more than 15.000 copies in Finland.
Earlier this year, the band also received gold certification for the 2003 album Far From The Sun.

joi, 8 iulie 2010


20 years of AMORPHIS – 20 years filled with innovation, darkness, beauty, heaviness and timeless classic tunes by these Finnish superstars! 20 years of AMORPHIS – time to celebrate!

As a gift to all fans, the Finns have released the first ever DVD in the band`s history: enter "Forging the Land of Thousand Lakes"! This lush 2-disc set embraces all incarnations and sheddings of skin the band went through – from the Scandinavian death metal of the early days up to the latter day elegant dark rock. "Forging Land of Thousand Lakes" boasts two live sets filled to the brim with fan faves and rare material – the first one taped in Oulu, Finland and the second one at Summer Breeze Open Air, Germany 2009. An exhaustive documentary on the past 20 years of AMORPHIS feat. many former members completes an extraordinary release.

Cheers to 20 more years with mighty AMORPHIS!